• 2024-2025 Goals


    Empower students and staff to embrace their individual strengths in a safe, supportive environment that fosters a love of learning while pursuing their full potential.


    Green Township School District educates every student to become a confident and caring life-long learner who communicates effectively and contributes positively to the evolving needs of society. The district, in partnership with the community, promotes academic excellence and equitable opportunities for all students.


    2024-2025 District Goals

    Goal 1: Support increased intervention and support, skill development, and student achievement in Mathematics for all students.

    Goal 2: Support increased intervention and support, skill development, and student achievement in Literacy for all students.

    Goal 3: Support and extend resources to improve Social Emotional Learning and Well Being for all students. 

    Goal 4: Build a comprehensive support model to identify, monitor, and reduce chronic absenteeism among students.


    2024-2025 Board Goals

    1. Provide targeted training opportunities on financial items to develop awareness of all board members.

    2. Collaborate with NJSBA to become a certified school board over the next two years.