Response to Intervention (RTI) Program
Our priority for the intervention program is to ensure that every student is able to read on level by the end of the school year! In order to make this lofty goal a reality, we utilize a multi-tiered system of support to provide every student with the resources to reach grade level expectations. Clear expectations, consistent support, and detailed feedback to our parents/guardians will further support this work. The following table provides additional details on our intervention program.
Tier 1 Intervention
· Classroom Based Support for all Students
Tier 2 Intervention
· Blend of In Class and Out of Class Supports
· Additional teachers will be provided to support reading at scheduled times on a consistent basis
· Small Group Reading and Center Activities during Language Arts Instruction to supplement Classroom Lessons
Tier 3 Intervention
· Out of Class Supports
· Meet with students during other content areas in the afternoon for intensive instruction on targeted skills
· Intensive after school intervention offered to identified students
Tier 2 Intervention Details - A majority of students requiring intervention have been identified as Tier 2. Tier 2 interventions in reading will occur as in class support or out of class support during reading groups and center activities. The students will receive support on reading in small groups using targeted materials while the other students in the classroom are engaged in parallel work in the classroom. This schedule effectively provides support for struggling readers without requiring these students to miss valuable instructional time in language arts or other content areas.
Tier 3 Intervention Details - For the small number of students identified as needing Tier 3 support, the instruction will occur throughout the day. Parents will be informed as to which classes students are missing in order to attend the Tier 3 intervention time. All Tier 3 students will receive the Tier 2 intervention supports as well. We are attempting to keep the same teacher assigned to the same students for intervention to build greater consistency.
The Green Hills School District believes in the talents and abilities of every student! Students who are at or above level will continue to be supported on those levels by the classroom teacher during these planned instructional times. Every child will receive greater personalized learning opportunities to help them soar! By addressing literacy skills directly in a consistent manner, we will be able to support all learners as they engage with books at their levels and develop a love of reading! There is nothing more important than ensuring all of our students are reading on level as this will support their current and future success in all other areas!
Please feel free to contact Ms. Sylvester, Literacy Coach, at ksylvester@greenhills.org with any questions or concerns.