• Green Hills School G&T students participated in NJCGTP Cardboard Engineering Challenge for the second year. Ethan Haiduc Dale won the Judges' Award last year and Kellen Olsyn won Best Engineering Award this year.  Both students' masks are currently on display at the Morris Museum.

      masks mask  mask masks

    Gifted and Talented

    Gifted students at Green Hills School meet once a week for scheduled Gifted and Talented classes and participate in NJCGTP and SCGTC events and competitions throughout the school year. 

     The Green Township Board of Education Policy and Regulation 2464- Gifted and Talented Pupils is part of the critical policy manual. The gifted students at Green Hills School are identified yearly. Students in grades three through eight take the SAGES3 Nonverbal and Verbal Reasoning assessments. The SAGES3 score plus other assessments determines eligibility into the GT program. Other assessments may include IReady Reading Assessment, final Language Arts of year grades as well as teacher recommendations. Trained and certified highly qualified gifted and talented teacher provides enrichment to students in grades K-2. In grade 3-8 students who are identified participate in pull out classes and a variety of field trips and competitions.

    For inquiries and or complaints about the policies and identification process of the gifted and talented program, please contact the gifted and talented teacher/coordinator- Beth Denuto- bdenuto@greenhills.org
    Entrance Criteria

    Green Hills School Gifted and Talented Student Profile: Grades 2-8 







    Total SAGES Score












    Final ILA Average

    Grade 2 -4                           ______

    Grades 5-8                                    ______








    Final Math Average

    Grades 2-4                                   _______

    Grades 5-8                                   _______








    iReady Score

    Grade Equivalent                       ______




    Mid- Grade Level

    Above Grade Level


    iReady Math Score

    Grade Equivalent                       ______


    Mid- Grade Level

    Above Grade Level


    NJSLA  Math (3-8)                    ______







    NJSLA  ILA (3-8)         




     Exceeding Expectation


    Teacher Recommendation         ______

    5-6 pts.

    7-8 pts.

    9-10 pts.





    Policy 2464 - Gifted and Talented Students

    The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to identify gifted and talented students within the school district and to provide these students with appropriate instructional adaptations and services.  To that end, the Board directs each such student in the school district be identified and offered an appropriate educational program and services.

    For purposes of this Policy, “gifted and talented students” means students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.

    For the purpose of this Policy, “instructional adaptation” means an adjustment or modification to instruction enabling a student who is gifted and talented to participate in, benefit from, and demonstrate knowledge and application of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in one or more content areas at the instructional level of the student, not just the student’s grade level.

    The Superintendent of Schools or designee shall ensure that the appropriate instructional adaptations are designed for students who are gifted and talented. 

    The Superintendent or designee will develop procedures for an ongoing Kindergarten through grade twelve identification process for gifted and talented students that includes multiple measures in order to identify student strengths in intellectual ability, creativity, or a specific academic area.  The district shall ensure equal access to a continuum of gifted and talented education services.  The identification process shall include consideration of all students, including those who are English language learners and those with Individualized Education Plans or 504 Plans. 

    The Superintendent or designee will develop and document appropriate curricular and instructional modifications used for gifted and talented students indicating content, process, products, and learning environments, and including, but not limited to, additional education activities such as academic competitions, guest speakers, and lessons with a specialist. 

    The Superintendent or designee will take into consideration the Gifted Programming Standards, Position Statements, and White Papers of the National Association for Gifted Children in identifying and serving gifted and talented students.

    The district will provide the time and resources to develop, review, and enhance instructional tools with modifications for helping gifted and talented students acquire and demonstrate mastery of the required knowledge and skills specified by the standards at the instructional level of the student. 

    The district will actively assist and support professional development for teachers, educational services staff, and school leaders in the area of gifted and talented instruction. 

    The district shall file with the New Jersey Department of Education Coordinator for Gifted and Talented Services a report by October 1, 2020 and thereafter on a schedule that coincides with the school district’s New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) review pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7A-11.  The report shall include, but not be limited to, the gifted and talented continuum of services, policies, and procedures implemented in the school district; the total number of students receiving gifted and talented services in each grade level Kindergarten through grade twelve disaggregated by race, gender, special education designation, and English language learner designation; the professional development opportunities provided for teachers, educational services staff, and school leaders about gifted and talented students, their needs, and educational development; and the number of staff employed by the school district whose job responsibilities include identification of and providing services to gifted and talented students.  Programs for gifted and talented students will be periodically evaluated for their continuing efficacy and adjusted accordingly. 

    The parent of any student identified as gifted or talented shall be consulted regarding any program designed to address the student’s particular needs.

    An individual who believes that the district has not complied with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:35-34et seq. may file a complaint with the Board of Education.  This policy for filing a complaint shall be linked to the homepage of the Board’s Internet website.  The Board shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter.  The individual may then file a petition of appeal of the Board’s written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6-9and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.

    The district shall make detailed information available on its website regarding the policies and procedures used to identify students as gifted and talented and the continuum of services offered to gifted and talented students.  The information shall include the criteria used for consideration for eligibility for the gifted and talented services, including the multiple measures used in the identification process to match a student’s needs with services, and any applicable timelines in the identification process.

    N.J.S.A. 18A:61A-2; 18A:35-4.16; 18A:35-34 through 39

    N.J.A.C. 6A:8-1.3; 6A:8-3.1(a)5

    P.L. 108-382, Sec. 10201 et seq.

    Adopted:  18 November 2020


    Regulation 2464 - Gifted and Talented Students

    A. Identification and Selection

    1. Classroom teachers will be familiar with the criteria for identifying gifted and talented pupils and will be alert to pupils who exhibit those criteria.  The identification methodology will be developmentally appropriate, non-discriminatory, and related to the programs and services offered by the district.

    2. The Gifted and Talented Teacher and Principal  will review the cumulative files of all Kindergarten through grade eight pupils against the criteria for identifying gifted and talented pupils.  The review will include consideration of intelligence ratings, classroom achievements, the results of standardized testing, and teaching staff member observation reports.

    3. The Gifted and Talented Teacher will confer with past and present teachers of any pupil identified in the review of files and of any pupil recommended for screening by a teacher.

    4. A committee comprised of the Gifted and Talented Teacher, the Principal, the Child Study Team Coordinator, and the appropriate coaches will receive the recommendations of the classroom teacher and will select those pupils who should participate in the program for gifted and talented pupils.

    B. Selection Criteria

    Pupils will be considered for participation in the gifted and talented program when compared to their peers within the district.  A pupil will be considered for participation in the program for gifted and talented pupils who:

    1. Has a Raven’s Progressive Matrices score of at least the 90th percentile;

    2. Has standardized test scores in the Exceeded Expectations category;

    3. Consistently demonstrates academic performance at least one grade level above his/her own;

    4. Consistently demonstrates intellectual or creative ability of a nature not readily susceptible to testing; or

    5. Displays an extraordinary artistic creative talent with a high degree of self-motivation.

    C. Program

    1. When a pupil has been identified as gifted or talented, the Gifted and Talented Teacher will:

    a. Confer with the pupil’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) on the goals of the pupil’s program and secure the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) cooperation and permission for the pupil’s participation in the program,

    b. Interview each selected pupil for additional information about the pupil and for guidance in establishing an enriched educational program for the pupil,

    c. Confer with the pupil’s teacher about a proposed educational program for the pupil, and

    d. Prepare and present to the Principal for approval a written educational plan for the pupil.

    2. The enrichment needs of gifted and talented pupils can be met through a wide variety of activities and teaching strategies.  Appropriate curricular and instructional modifications will be developed for gifted pupils and the program will address appropriate content, process, products and learning environment.

    3. Each pupil’s program will seek to involve the pupil in all subject areas that can provide growth and stimulation in higher cognitive processes such as interpretation, extrapolation, translation, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

    4. No enrichment program will replace the basic instructional program appropriate to the pupil’s grade level.

    5. The enriched educational program for a gifted and talented pupil may consist of:

    a. Additional classroom studies and assignments,

    b. Special classes in appropriate studies,

    c. Out-of-class sessions with the Gifted and Talented Teacher or assigned coaches,

    d. Independent projects in after-school sessions supervised by the Gifted and Talented Teacher and/or other assigned personnel, and/or

    e. General information, as well as content-specific information, as provided for in the curriculum frameworks developed by the New Jersey Department of Education.

    6. A classroom teacher may provide for the needs of gifted and talented pupils by:

    a. Presenting content material that is related to broad-based issues, themes, or problems,

    b. Integrating multiple disciplines into the study area,

    c. Allowing for in-depth learning of a topic selected by the pupil within the study area,

    d. Developing the pupil’s independent and self-directed study skills,

    e. Developing research skills and methods,

    f.  Integrating higher level thinking skills into the curriculum,

    g. Focusing on open-ended tasks,

    h. Using new techniques, materials, and forms,

    i.  Encouraging the development of self-understanding, and

    j.  Encouraging self-appraisal and evaluation.

    D. Exit Procedures

    1. Each pupil identified as gifted and talented will be assessed annually for the continuing appropriateness of his/her enriched program.  Assessment will include:

    a. Interviews with the pupil, the pupil’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and teaching staff members educationally responsible for the pupil,

    b. Review of the pupil’s file, including relevant test results, and

    c. Review of the pupil’s work in the preceding school year.

    2. The program will be revised as required to meet the pupil’s needs and interests.

    3. The pupil may be withdrawn from the gifted and talented program when:

    a. The pupil’s academic record indicates a decline in performance,

    b. The pupil wishes to withdraw and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) consents to withdrawal, or

    c. The pupil’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) requests withdrawal.

    4. A decision to withdraw a pupil from the gifted and talented program will be made by the pupil’s classroom teacher, the Gifted and Talented Teacher, the Principal, the pupil’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and, where appropriate, the pupil.

    Issued:  26 March 2008

    Revised & Adopted:  21 June 2017

    Revised & Adopted:  19 July 2017


    Gifted & Talented Complaint Process
    The Green Township School District will follow the board approved Policy 2464 and Regulation 2464 for Gifted and Talented Students. Should a complaint arise in regards to the Gifted and Talented Program, the following steps will be followed in line with Policy 9130 Public Complaints and Grievances.

    • Communication with the Gifted and Talented Teacher shall be the first step in remedying a complaint. If the complaint is remedied at that level, there will be no further action.
    • Should the complaint be left unresolved, the following steps will be taken.
    1. A formal complaint will be filed with the Gifted and Talented Teacher.
      1. Gifted & Talented teacher - This is your first point of contact for clarification of policies and procedures for the G&T program
      2. The complaint shall include in writing:
        1. The name, address, and contact information of the complainant; and
        2. A statement that the identified school district is not in compliance with the board approved policy and regulation, and the specific facts on which the allegation of non-compliance is based.
    2. The following chain of command will be utilized in addressing any further complaints:
      1. If there is no resolution at the level of the Gifted and Talented Teacher, the matter shall be directed to the building principal. The building principal will provide a written disposition regarding the matter.
      2. If there is no resolution at the level of the building principal, the matter shall be directed to the superintendent. The superintendent will provide a written disposition regarding the matter.
      3. If there is no resolution at the level of the superintendent, the matter shall be directed to the Board of Education at which time a hearing will be scheduled between the complaint and the board.  
        1. Board of Education - Based on the decision of the Board of Education to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter, the individual may file a petition of appeal of the written decision; to
        2. County Superintendent (investigation must be completed within 60 days) - Based on the decision of the Executive County Superintendent to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter, the individual may file a petition of appeal of the written decision; to
        3. Commissioner of Education via Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.18A:6-9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations. Should the District be found in non-compliance with the board approved policy and regulation, remediation of the Gifted and Talented Program will take place.